Microsoft Office 365 Adoption Webinar| July 23 2020 eBiz Solutions

Microsoft Office 365 Adoption Webinar

O365 Adoption Webinar

23 Jul, 2020 11:00 AM


Topic: Driving Full-Scale Microsoft Office 365 Adoption: Get Everyone on Board, and Maximize Productivity

Description: As you know, Microsoft Office 365 comes with several apps that can improve the productivity and efficiency for teams of all sizes, through better communication, collaboration, and sharing. Many companies are underutilizing the power of Microsoft Office 365. Companies are not only spending a lot more money on solutions that O365 does, their efficiency and productivity is lost as they have to learn new things. In this webinar, we are going to talk about how adopting O365 systematically to empower your company.

Time: July 23, 2020 11:00 AM in Central Time (US and Canada)

Join The Webinar:  Register Here

Presenter: Sridhar Sunkara

With over 23 years of experience, Sridhar has been guiding various types of businesses to help them understand and implement digital transformation for their companies. This helps businesses innovate and build efficient processes, which increases their bottom line and paves their way toward growth.

He holds degrees in Architecture, City Planning, and Computer Programming. He is certified in Design Thinking from MIT Sloan School of Management as well as being certified through MIT CSAIL Artificial Intelligence in Implications for Business Strategy.

Sridhar is a Member of the Forbes Technology Council and is a Member of the Memphis Business Journal Leadership Trust. He is a frequent guest speaker, panelist, and participates in radio shows and TV.

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